Hi everyone,
Abe continue to improve everyday. He is stronger than before !
His mind-set has shifted from being totally dependent on others to being independent on some things that he was not able to do before., example: putting on his pants and shirt,
combing his hair,bathing himself, brushing his teeth,putting on his socks,eating and drinking by himself etc...He also enjoys singing a lot.
Abe is determined to drive really,really bad. He goes in his pickup truck and is desperately searching for the keys..He does not understand why he is not allowed to drive
and therefore gets frustrated. I believe once he gets a whole of those keys he's off to town..so the family is carefully putting the keys in a safe place.
So far Abe has been walking around in his house from point A to point B by holding on to the wall, chairs, doors,table anything that he can hold on, to balance himself,but he is not walking alone as yet.
Today we went to the Physiotherapist in Belize city.She is amaze at how well Abe has been progressing every week.she cannot give us an accurate time chain of when or how long it will take Abe to walk by himself. It's just a matter of time and learning his balancing technique.The therapist said from her experience, that the most difficult challenge still lies ahead for Abe. she believes that the balancing part of Abe's brain has been severely affected due to the impact of his brain trauma.
Abe still has his urine catheter inserted,..with various attempts in assisting him ,it didn't work.
Please continue to pray for endurance, patience,and strength for Pastor Abe and his family .. we appreciate it.