Abe Dueck had a motorcycle accident on Saturday, November 10. He sustained head injuries and is currently being treated in Guatemala City.
Friday, 30 November 2012
God is so good. Abe is improving and since today during our 11:00 o clock visit it is not so slowly anymore. He opens his eyes without us coaxing him and he has his eyes open almost half of the time and really open, too, not just partly. He seems to really listen to our conversations and turns his head toward the one speaking. Once it looked like he wanted to speak, too. We are so excited and PRAISE THE LORD.
Some of our visitors are gone. Frank and Dora and the children left this morning at 6:20 and Walter took the bus yesterday at 10:30. Mom and Dad are still here and myself ( Betty), with Hertha. Hertha really enjoyed having her children here. It was sweet to see how they enjoyed visiting their dad. We pray for safe travelling for them.
Hertha and I saw Abe this morning. He opened his eyes 5 times during our 1 hour visit in his room. Doctor Mattheo came in briefly, he had to go do a surgery. He brings so much encouragement when he enters a room. We asked him about fixing Abe’s shoulder and he gave a few reasons why there is no rush to do that
- He has a sore ( about half an inch in diameter, we think it is from the accident) right on the place where they would make the incision which he says would not be good to irritate that before it is healed.
- Every surgery he has, sets back on the progress his brain is making and could cause more complications, which we don’t need right now.
- The surgery is minor and can be done closer to the time when he goes home or even come back later to do it.
Please pray that his body will receive the supplements they want to give him and his digestive system will do its work.
Thank you so much for your unceasing intercession and encouragement.
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Hi, Friends and family, all those of you that pray and intercede for Abe and family. We are posting these updates for you to be informed on how you can pray and so you can praise the Lord with us for His goodness. We thank you for not using this as a means to spread news that is imagined or read between the lines. Thank you for praying and supporting .
Abe is responding and moving more since yesterday toward evening. Just looks more alert. Lifting his head, moving his arm toward his upper body, squeezing hands that are holding his, opening his eyes, turning his head. Then the next time we visit him he sleeps mostly again. But in general he is showing more movement. The doctor says he needs our reports on his responses to know how he is improving.
Doc says tomorrow he wants to start feeding him supplements again into his stomach. Please pray that he will accept them this time. If he does he can be moved into a general room.
We have lots of company now, Abe and Hertha’s children and Hertha’s parents from Calgary and Frank and Dora Loewen. It is good we are enjoying them. We say again, God is good. We are taught in God’s Word to present our requests to God with thanksgiving. It is good to praise Him.
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Today we spent more time with other family members than with Abe.
Abe seems to be pretty good today. The doctor was busy today so we have not seen him a lot. We have seen some more response today. Once when I was in he squeezed Dania’s and Jenny’s hands. He yawned a couple times. He also turned his head a bit. He has also opened his eyes a couple times. They put him on a chair, which is very close like a bed, just his head a little higher.
So we praise God for a good day and we praise God for every response we see, even if it is a small.
Generally he seem to improve, yet slowly.
Yesterday Abe & Hertha’s children all came here and then later at night mom & dad came from Calgary.
Yesterday in the afternoon when we came into the room and I shook Abe’s legs a bit and called his name he opened his eyes for about half a minute. He also opened his eyes when the children came in. He was more responsive then he was now already for a couple days.
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Family and friends,
We visited Abe this morning. We also spoke with the doctor for a while.
Yesterday Abe’s abdomen was bloated and he had fever which caused the doctors concern. His digestive system is not working the way it should and the risk was there that one of his intestine could burst and so they took precaution on that. A few catscans were done on his abdomen to take precaution. This morning he had a big bowel movement and the bloatedness is gone again. Praise the Lord he answers prayers, we prayed that Abe would cause the nurses work to clean him up and they sure had to. Yet they are looking for it to move on a continues basis. His abdomen problem is not helping his brain improve. The doctor said if a healthy person has problems in the stomach and abdomen as Abe has, he would be down in the bed as well. The doctor said as long as he has issues like he had yesterday they say it is not an option to take him out of the ICU. They are not giving Abe any supplements into the stomach. But he said they give him different kind of nutrition in his IV which they also will look at closely how it will affect him. The doctor says that at this point, as long as he does not experience setbacks he is doing good.
Walter asked the doctor about his brain and he says it is to soon to tell. As mention earlier, other complications slow that down as well. The doctor again said that Abe has been without oxygen for the first 10 min and that has affected his brain. He said his brain has some activity, but it is disorganized. Brain trauma, Spinal trauma, and digestive problems are all connected.
They will do another catscan on the head on Friday. And then as he would think now an EEG which is a more complete test on his brain beginning of next week and that test should show results again on his brain activity.
This morning we saw more response. He moved his leg and arm and his eyelids fluttered more, too. He also turned his head and lifted it a bit this morning. The therapist said he had opened his eyes yesterday when she gave him treatment. The catscans on his abdomen showed very good results on the surgery on his vertebrae.
Pray that Abe’s stomach will function right
Pray that his digestive system will work
Pray that his fever will go away completely.
Pray that his body will be completely healed and his brain to be restored.
The doctor encourages us to speak to Abe, encourage him boldly, which to me (Walter) seems Otto Reimers daughters are better at then I am.
Walter & Betty
Monday, 26 November 2012
We visited Abe from 4:00 to 5:00PM. The nurses were putting fluid in his abdomen for another test. We spoke with the doctor a few words and he said he had not seen any results from the first test, but told us he will look at them and they had to fill the abdomen with fluid to do another one. Later when we tried to visit him they were busy working with Abe so we have not been able to visit him again. Communication would be better if we would speak Spanish fluently. The nurses mostly speak Spanish and the doctors are not around all the time, but it seems to work.
Hi friends and family,
We are serving an awesome God. Our circumstances don’t change who God is, He will always be the same.
We visited Abe this morning and he was pretty much the same as yesterday. As we said yesterday they started to give Abe supplements. This morning he vomited a couple times. Even at 11:00AM Abe was still vomiting a couple times. At that time Hertha spoke with the doctor, the doctor said, Abe could be vomiting because he is unable to accept some medication. He was not to concerned about it. They stopped giving him the supplements earlier this morning for the time being.. Now we just came out of the room again. The doctors wanted to do some test on him at this moment (catscan on the stomach), to check his digestive system. He does have some bowel movement in the form of some diarrhea. Abe has had a little fever almost all day.
We trust in the Lord even when it is a day that is not as bright as we would have liked to see it. Please continue to pray.
I don't have alot of time to be on my tablet but I am very grateful for your encouragement family and friends.I believe for good things to take place. Right now I ask for your prayers that Abe will be able to take his nutrition and not vomit when he is getting it which he did quite abit this morning. Right now a cat scan is taken on his belly to see why his stool is not moving as much as it shoul
d he has diaria but they want it to move better yet.So lets believe for break thru in Jesus Name. And I say it is time for him to wake up. We believe for a miracle. Tomorrow when our children come they would really like to see him totally awake.So I say Wake Up Abe you need to wake up. Good things will happen just watch it especially if we declare positive things.
Sunday, 25 November 2012
We spoke with Doctor Matteo just before lunch. He is a very optimistic and humorous man. A few things he said
- They were prepared with 6 units of blood for Abe’s surgery yesterday and had to use only 1. He said “God was there with us”.
- The results of a blood test they did today to check his Thyroid, showed to low. They started giving him some medication for this. He says this is normal for patients that suffer head trauma. He expects that correcting this will help his brain to wake up, too.
Other than that, Abe is very calm so far today. He opened his eyes for the doctor today but not for us.
Thankyou for praying in faith.
It is Sunday morning and most of you are heading to church. For us here in Guatemala it is different .We will be having our worship service in our spirits because after all there is not a moment that we are not bathing in the Fathers love ,his presence and his grace. He is so good. He is working His miracle in Abe, we just have to see it with eyes of faith. This morning he is sleeping , probably from the sedation, yet. They started feeding him supplements into his stomach this morning. Pray that his stomach will receive them and his colon to work good. He has a slight fever again due to yesterday’s surgery. The doctor said this morning that as far as yesterday’s surgery concerns, it is doing good. Ben and Maria left this morning at 6:30 for their road trip home. Please pray for Abe to wake up and be healed. THANKYOU for your prayers.
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Abe is out of surgery and the doctor says it turned out very good. Pray that the fluid that goes from the brain to the spinal cord which is one thing that they fixed will be healed good. The doctor said that it will help Abe to wake up better.After the surgery he all ready opened one eye and looked at me for awhile. Lets keep on believing and declaring total healing for his brain and his whole body. Thank you so much for your support, family and friends.
Abe is out of surgery and the doctor says it turned out very good. Pray that the fluid that goes from the brain to the spinal cord which is one thing that they fixed will be healed good. The doctor said that it will help Abe to wake up better.After the surgery he all ready opened one eye and looked at me for awhile. Lets keep on believing and declaring total healing for his brain and his whole body. Thank you so much for your support, family and friends.
We saw Abe out of surgery already. He looks good. The doctor says he will be sleeping today again but the surgery went very well. We saw the xray from after the surgery , they did some bone grafting, put in 4 screws, a few bars .Please pray for continued healing.
The Doctor said the surgery is done on Abe and as far as they know everything work well. Praise the Lord
Hertha posted this on facebook
his is the picture that I wanted to send yesterday all ready anyway now it works. Yesterday Abe had his eyes open four or five times and each time for awhile. Right now he is in surgery. Thankyou for your continuous prayers and ask to keep it up. God is able to do all things. Thankyou Papa God for answering prayers.
Goodmorning family and friends. Walter and I reached Guatemala at 7 this morning. We met Hertha and Ben and Maria. We went to see Abe and at 7:30 he was wheeled out for surgery, to fix his broken vertebrae. We had a powerful, wonderful prayer time together around his bed. Then Doctor Matteo came and he asked to have some time for prayer. It is so precious to pray together with the doctor for wisdom and guidance. We have peace that Abe is good hands, first of all in the Father hands and then also in good doctors hands. God is so good. We believe for healing. Please pray. The doctor says the surgery could take till 3 o clock. Yesterday Abe opened his eyes a few times and looked around. We praise God for every sign of improvement.
Today is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoce and be glad in it...
Today is Abe's surgery on his back, unless God fixed already. Please hold our brother is Christ high today as he is undergoing his surgery which the doctor estimated to take from 6 to 8 hrs. He will go into surgery at 7:30 am, which is about now, Belize time and Guatemala time are the same. Hertha told me yesterday evening that Abe had opened his eyes a few times yesterday and yawned a few times again she was very excited to see this.
Pray that Abe will be ok through the surgery and that God will be the one doing the operation. I want to hear from the doctors that things had worked better then expected! I know Abe would do it for you so do if for him NOW. It's your chance to give back to him what he has given to you, time, wisdom, encouragement, and so much more!
Today is Abe's surgery on his back, unless God fixed already. Please hold our brother is Christ high today as he is undergoing his surgery which the doctor estimated to take from 6 to 8 hrs. He will go into surgery at 7:30 am, which is about now, Belize time and Guatemala time are the same. Hertha told me yesterday evening that Abe had opened his eyes a few times yesterday and yawned a few times again she was very excited to see this.
Pray that Abe will be ok through the surgery and that God will be the one doing the operation. I want to hear from the doctors that things had worked better then expected! I know Abe would do it for you so do if for him NOW. It's your chance to give back to him what he has given to you, time, wisdom, encouragement, and so much more!
Friday, 23 November 2012
This update was done by Hertha via facebook Friday morning
Goodmorning my family and friends. Abe is slowly but surely lmproving. The swelling in his brain is down. Thank you Papa God . Keep believing that Abe will not have any more fever. REALLY declare and believe that Abe's vertebrates will be HEALED by tomorrow morning and his shoulder too. I want to see a MIRACLE taking place. Prayer meetings are very welcome. Where two or three are gathered in my name says Jesus I will hear them. Of course a total restoration of Abe's brain as well. This morning Ben and I were talking in Abe's room when Abe opened one eye fairly good for a while. We were talking about Johnny and Mishells little dude Denver when Abe opened his eye. Abe has that little mischeviaus smile on his face since yesterday and I keep telling him that he can't keep that secret for long.I thank you for all your prayers and support and the encouraging emails and responses.
We visited with the doctor; we talked about his back surgery. The doctor said it is highly recommended because he can't be moved around like this, and the danger of the infection of the spinal cord. The brain swelling went down so they have stopped giving him brain medication. The concern is the spinal and the infection. He said to wake up is just the matter of being de-trauma-tised.
First time he did yawning 2 times this morning, opening his mouth far.
We need 3 blood donors to do the surgery; blood type is B, negative or positive. We asked when he will come out of the intensive care room; the doctor said they feed him through the vein, but they start feeding him food. If he’ll need a nurse full time the doctor said it's cheaper in the intensive care room.
Written on Thursday, 11:47am by Ben Dueck
Ed & Marge
Ed 670 2400
Marge 672 2400
Box 672
Good morning my family and friends. Abe is slowly but surely improving. The swelling in his brain is down. Thank you Papa God . Keep believing that Abe will not have any more fever. REALLY declare and believe that Abe's vertebrates will be HEALED by tomorrow morning and his shoulder too. I want to see a MIRACLE taking place. Prayer meetings are very welcome. Where two or three are gathered in my name says Jesus I will hear them. Of course a total restoration of Abe's brain as well. This morning Ben and I were talking in Abe's room when Abe opened one eye fairly good for a while. We were talking about Johnny and Michelle’s little dude Denver when Abe opened his eye. Abe has that little mischievous smile on his face since yesterday and I keep telling him that he can't keep that secret for long. I thank you for all your prayers and support and the encouraging emails and responses.
Thursday, 22 November 2012
We talked with the doctor today and we are hoping that they can do surgery on his vertebrae on Saturday- fever has to be gone for that. But most of all we want to see a miracle happen so that they won’t have to operate. This morning Abe partially opened his eyes and was peeking for a bit and then his eyes were fluttering for a while and he was yawning really big twice. The brain swelling is now gone. The doctor says concerning his waking up, it is just a matter of being de-traumatized. Maria is doing brain therapy on him. Thank u all so much for believing with us for Abe’s recovery. KEEP ON BELIEVING AND PRAYING for him to wake up.
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Clara Plett
Hi There,
Waiting, waiting and waiting some more!!! haha but we are of good courage! Amen?
Waiting, waiting and waiting some more!!! haha but we are of good courage! Amen?
I just spoke with Dr. Matheau, Abe's neurologist, he said that the test results on his brain did not get done analyzing so the detailed results on that will hopefully be done tomorrow or the day after. The Doc had a very busy day so he could not give me much of a detail update. Abe has a fever due to the surgery done on his throat yesterday so this needs to be gone in order to do the back surgery which is scheduled for sat.
The doctor sends his greetings and blessings to all of Abe's family and friends and asks for prayer on his behalf for wisdom. He believes in Abe and all that God has planned for him.
Goodmorning, family and friends. The Lord has given us a new day again. We Praise the Lord for His goodness. Abe was sedated yesterday for the surgery so we have to wait again for the sedation to wear off which could take a few days. Yet, he is moving himself surprisingly much this morning in spite of the fact that he had surgery yesterday. I am very thankful that Dorothy Loewen ,a well experienced chiropractor, and Maria Dueck, a very good therapist, are here and have worked on Abe. Maria says he shows good brain activity when she works on him. So we are looking positive into this day that God has given us. The swelling in his brain is still decreasing but not gone yet. Pray for him to wake up and be completely restored. We serve an awesome God. Hertha is on facebook now so you can check for updates there too. Look for Hertha Dueck and request to be her friend if you want get the updates that way too.
Betty for Hertha
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Abe is in surgery now. It will take two to three hours. They will put in a breathing device under the mouth into his throat and a feeding tube into his stomach. Pray for it to go well and keep on believing that he will wake up.
By Clara Plett
Hi everyone,
I hope to clear things up for you a little, i spoke with Abe's doctor at lunch time as well a Cornie.
So, Abe was taken of the sedation medication a few days ago and was expected to gain consciences and be well and alert but it seems that his brain suffered a lack of oxygen at the site of the accident the first few minutes that is why he is still in a "sleep". The doctor told me that it is to early to know how far or when Abe will "wake up".
An x-ray was done on his belly yesterday to see if there was any internal injury because of the problem that his intestine seem to not be working as expected. With this x-ray they discovered that he has a vertebrae in his back (L1) that is broken three times. The doc. will need to operate on his back in order for him to be able to get up and walk. He is able to move his both legs so this is a good thing. the doc will wait to do surgery till his fever is gone.
A brain test was done this morning showing good brain activity on both sides of the brain but the experts will anylise it this afternoon so the exact outcome of this test will be known tomorrow. Abe responds well to Hertha but he dose not respond to basic commands that the doc. gives him. The doc. said it is to early to be making assumptions about his brain condition. The surgery to relocate the tubes will be done this afternoon which is not a big procedure. i spoke to the doc. about moving Abe into a regular room in order to reduce the daily cost, he said it would come into concideraton once he relocated the feeding tube and the breathing tube. Ben and Maria, Ruth and Dorthy arrived safely in Guatemala yesterday evening. Dorthy has been able to massage Abe and do some chiropracting on his neck.
A verse that was in my heart and mind all day yesterday was, "If my people called by my name will humble themselves and pray, if they seek my face and turn form their sin i hear i will forgive and i will heal their (Abe) land ".
I hope to clear things up for you a little, i spoke with Abe's doctor at lunch time as well a Cornie.
So, Abe was taken of the sedation medication a few days ago and was expected to gain consciences and be well and alert but it seems that his brain suffered a lack of oxygen at the site of the accident the first few minutes that is why he is still in a "sleep". The doctor told me that it is to early to know how far or when Abe will "wake up".
An x-ray was done on his belly yesterday to see if there was any internal injury because of the problem that his intestine seem to not be working as expected. With this x-ray they discovered that he has a vertebrae in his back (L1) that is broken three times. The doc. will need to operate on his back in order for him to be able to get up and walk. He is able to move his both legs so this is a good thing. the doc will wait to do surgery till his fever is gone.
A brain test was done this morning showing good brain activity on both sides of the brain but the experts will anylise it this afternoon so the exact outcome of this test will be known tomorrow. Abe responds well to Hertha but he dose not respond to basic commands that the doc. gives him. The doc. said it is to early to be making assumptions about his brain condition. The surgery to relocate the tubes will be done this afternoon which is not a big procedure. i spoke to the doc. about moving Abe into a regular room in order to reduce the daily cost, he said it would come into concideraton once he relocated the feeding tube and the breathing tube. Ben and Maria, Ruth and Dorthy arrived safely in Guatemala yesterday evening. Dorthy has been able to massage Abe and do some chiropracting on his neck.
A verse that was in my heart and mind all day yesterday was, "If my people called by my name will humble themselves and pray, if they seek my face and turn form their sin i hear i will forgive and i will heal their (Abe) land ".
So now we are back with a decision on the surgery. They will do surgery today or tomorrow morning to take out all the tubes from his mouth and nose and put in two tubes, lower on his throat, one for feeding and the other for one for oxygen. This will be done to give his tongue more chance to heal and so he can continue to breathe, in spite of the swelling in his tongue. The surgery on the vertebrae will be given a few days time , for the infection in the vertebrae to decrease. So please continue to pray and intercede and believe for complete healing for Abe. For his brain, his lungs, his shoulder, his vertebrae, his tongue, his breathing, just for complete restoration. We serve an awesome God and He is good. He gives peace in the midst of the storm. We praise him for that and for the healing He is giving and is going to give.
Betty on behalf of Hertha
Yesterday some x-rays were done on Abe and it revealed that his vertebrae is broken at 3 places in the middle of his back.So this morning a decision will be made if they will do surgery today or not.We are praying and believing for healing for this. Yesterday he was very calm,not responding a lot but this morning he is a lot more responsive again. We held his eyes open for him and his eyes were actually focusing on us.His tongue looks less swollen but the doctor has not been in to give his viewpoint on that.We praise the Lord for keeping him alive through this whole ordeal. He suffered a lack of oxygen for the first 8 to 10 minutes after the accident. The doctor says his heart is strong. His life is a miracle. God is good. Thankyou for interceding with us.
Monday, 19 November 2012
We just talked to the doctor. He says Abe has not really improved since yesterday. Abe is healing ,but very slowly. He says that they see a variety of different ways people respond after experiencing head trauma. So we ask you to continue praying and interceding for Abe’s healing. We need to declare amazing things to happen in Abe’s body. Thank you very much for your faithfulness in praying and believing. THANK YOU ,FATHER, FOR PEACE THAT YOU GIVE US. One new concern we need to pray for is that his tongue is swollen. This could be due to the initial inserting of tubes right after the accident. The doctor says if that swelling does not go down they will need to do surgery to insert two tubes in a different place, for him to be able to keep on breathing. Thank you for praying. We need it .
Written by Betty Thiessen on behalf of Hertha
Sunday, 18 November 2012
Tonight our hearts are filled with thanksgiving to our wonderful Father. Abe is responding more. He tries opening his eyes. Today he also started squeezing Hertha’s hand when she holds his hand and he actually stroked her hand once as she was holding his. PRAISE THE LORD. PRAISE THE LORD. He is good. Thank you for praying. The first days after the accident he did not move his injured shoulder but now he is moving that arm and shoulder more already. Clarence and Gladys left Guatemala Saturday morning. Cornie is still there and Ben and Maria are going tomorrow. God is good. Pamela, a niece to a friend they have made in Guatemala, has been a good companion to Hertha the last few days. She speaks English. Hertha is in the ICU with Abe six times per day for an hour or more at a time. Every sign of progress is reason for rejoicing in the Lord.
Betty writing for Hertha
Saturday, 17 November 2012
The doctor says Abe is doing good.
Abe still has a ventilator connected but he is breathing pretty much on his own by now.
Thanks a bunch for praying and believing with us.
Friday, 16 November 2012
We are back from the hospital now and Abe is doing good for the
circumstances he is in. He has actually started to pass gas Praise the
Lord.Several times he tried to open his eyes. Thankyou Jesus!THANKYOU FOR
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circumstances he is in. He has actually started to pass gas Praise the
Lord.Several times he tried to open his eyes. Thankyou Jesus!THANKYOU FOR
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Hi family and friends
We just had a good conversation with Abe's doctor. He said that from a
viewpoint Abe is still improving. This morning's cat scan shows that his
swelling is decreasing. He will not need an operation to ease swelling. Thy
decreased the aid of the respirator. He is now breathing 50% on his own. We
like to see more responses from Abe when we touch him or talk to him. He
does not
have proper bowel movements so the doctors will try to remedy that in the
next few
days. We pray that his severe trauma will not have a long term effect on
his life.
Thanks for praying for Abe and his family.
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We just had a good conversation with Abe's doctor. He said that from a
viewpoint Abe is still improving. This morning's cat scan shows that his
swelling is decreasing. He will not need an operation to ease swelling. Thy
decreased the aid of the respirator. He is now breathing 50% on his own. We
like to see more responses from Abe when we touch him or talk to him. He
does not
have proper bowel movements so the doctors will try to remedy that in the
next few
days. We pray that his severe trauma will not have a long term effect on
his life.
Thanks for praying for Abe and his family.
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Hey, all you friends and prayer intercessors. We know you are checking up on the updates. We are having problems with the blog not posting the comments you are making on the updates. Thank you for the efforts you are making to encourage Hertha, even if they are not showing up on the blog. Just don’t give up trying. I just tried and it came through so yours might, too. One thing we know without a doubt that your prayers to our Heavenly Father are coming through.
Betty Thiesssen
It is a new day and God is so good. Thankyou so much for your
Positive declarations and prayers my friends. I speak healing over
Abe in Jesus name. The doctor calls Abe's case a severe trauma
But we are not giving up and we believe for total restoration in
Jesus name my friends right? I hear you saying yes . Hurray!! T
The joy of the Lord is my strength!! Hertha
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Positive declarations and prayers my friends. I speak healing over
Abe in Jesus name. The doctor calls Abe's case a severe trauma
But we are not giving up and we believe for total restoration in
Jesus name my friends right? I hear you saying yes . Hurray!! T
The joy of the Lord is my strength!! Hertha
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Prayer Request
It is now already 48 hrs since the doctors started the procedure of waking up Abe. He is still responding slightly, like moving his hand etc, like he did already on wednesday when the waking up proccess started. But he is not responding as fast as the doctors would have wanted him to.
Therefore we are asking for prayer in 3 Areas:
Milton Dueck
on behalf of Hertha
Therefore we are asking for prayer in 3 Areas:
- Pray that the brain swelling would continue to go down. It has come down a lot already, but not enough yet.
- Pray that he will start breathing on his own. So far, he has made almost no effort to start breathing. He is almost totally dependent on the breathing machine as of yet.
- Pray that his stool will start moving. He has barely had any movement since the accident.
Milton Dueck
on behalf of Hertha
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Thank you Jesus Abe is being healed!
Abe is waking up, but very slowly.
He still has brain swelling which slows down the nervous system.
So as of yet, the machines are helping him out.
Pray for the swelling to go down and for him to wake up real soon J
Thank you God for what you're doing!
By Rosanne
For Hertha
Hi we are at the hospital Abe is slowly waking up
pray for a speedy waking up. God has
given us power and authority let's keep on
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pray for a speedy waking up. God has
given us power and authority let's keep on
Using it
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Exchange - http://link.mail2web.com/Personal/EnhancedEmail
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Hi there . I am back from the hospital now. Abe is doing very good. He is
to to wake up . I asked him to lift up his hand and he lifted it as high as
could. It's tied on to the bed. Looks like he wants to respond by talking
as well
at times. Im telling him over and over that the joy of thr lord is our
read to
him again and again. I'm his pastor now. YAHOO I'm rejoicing in PAPA GOD'S
goodness.will be back at the hospital at two oclock. Hertha
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Exchange - http://link.mail2web.com/Personal/EnhancedEmail
to to wake up . I asked him to lift up his hand and he lifted it as high as
could. It's tied on to the bed. Looks like he wants to respond by talking
as well
at times. Im telling him over and over that the joy of thr lord is our
read to
him again and again. I'm his pastor now. YAHOO I'm rejoicing in PAPA GOD'S
goodness.will be back at the hospital at two oclock. Hertha
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Exchange - http://link.mail2web.com/Personal/EnhancedEmail
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
God is good God is good God is good! Abe is doing very very good. Can
hardly wait
till tomorrow. Keep believing for Abe's shoulder to be healed. Thank you
much. Hertha
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hardly wait
till tomorrow. Keep believing for Abe's shoulder to be healed. Thank you
much. Hertha
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From Clara Plett
Hi Everyone!
Uncle Abe had a Motorcycle accident on Sat. and was flown to Guatemala along with his wife Hertha, his brother Cornie, and Klaus B Reimer. They arrived in Guatemala safely and on time but had to wait on the ambulance plane for approximately 45 min for the ground ambulance to arrive and take him to the hospital.
The cat scan showed that his head injury remained stable through the flight, which was a great concern. His condition is known as a subdural hematoma, which is fluid/ blood accumulating between the skull and brain tissue, causing the brain to be under pressure. The Dr. in Guatemala. did not operate on him and does not suspect that he will. The Doctors plan is to reduce the fluid with medication. As of today (Tues.) the swelling has gone down and the plan is to start reducing the sedation (sleeping) medication as early as Wednesday morning, so Abe should be alert by Thurs. if all goes well, and all shall go well.
The Doctor is very positive about Abe's recovery and it has been a great blessing knowing that he is in the hands of a Godly Doc whom I got to know when I was in Guatemala with Kevin Bueckert. Abe's shoulder did get some injury as well but they haven't done anything with it so far.
Uncle Clarence and Gladys arrived safely in Guatemala, Monday evening.
The cat scan showed that his head injury remained stable through the flight, which was a great concern. His condition is known as a subdural hematoma, which is fluid/ blood accumulating between the skull and brain tissue, causing the brain to be under pressure. The Dr. in Guatemala. did not operate on him and does not suspect that he will. The Doctors plan is to reduce the fluid with medication. As of today (Tues.) the swelling has gone down and the plan is to start reducing the sedation (sleeping) medication as early as Wednesday morning, so Abe should be alert by Thurs. if all goes well, and all shall go well.
The Doctor is very positive about Abe's recovery and it has been a great blessing knowing that he is in the hands of a Godly Doc whom I got to know when I was in Guatemala with Kevin Bueckert. Abe's shoulder did get some injury as well but they haven't done anything with it so far.
Uncle Clarence and Gladys arrived safely in Guatemala, Monday evening.
God's name be Praise for he is good and his mercies endure forever!
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