Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Clara Plett

Hi There,

    Waiting, waiting and waiting some more!!! haha but we are of good courage! Amen?
I just spoke with Dr. Matheau, Abe's neurologist, he said that the test results on his brain did not get done analyzing so the detailed results on that will hopefully be done tomorrow or the day after. The Doc had a very busy day so he could not give me much of a detail update. Abe has a fever due to the surgery done on his throat yesterday so this needs to be gone in order to do the back surgery which is scheduled for sat.
The doctor sends his greetings and blessings to all of Abe's family and friends and asks for prayer on his behalf for wisdom. He believes in Abe and all that God has planned for him.


  1. Thank God for his mercies and excellent greatness! We'll keep on praying and keep on believing!

    Prof. Patrick Menzies

  2. We keep constantly praying.
    Belen redmond

  3. Just to,let you know that I am praying for you too.Dave


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