Tuesday, 13 November 2012

From Clara Plett

Hi Everyone!

    Uncle Abe had a Motorcycle accident on Sat. and was flown to Guatemala along with his wife Hertha, his brother Cornie,  and Klaus B Reimer. They arrived in Guatemala  safely and on time but had to wait on the ambulance plane for  approximately 45 min for the ground ambulance to arrive and take him to the hospital. 
  The cat scan showed that his head injury remained stable through the flight, which was a great concern. His condition is known as a subdural hematoma, which is fluid/ blood accumulating between the skull and brain tissue, causing the brain to be under pressure. The Dr. in Guatemala. did not operate on him and does not suspect that he will. The Doctors plan is to reduce the fluid with medication. As of today (Tues.) the swelling has gone down and the plan is to start reducing the sedation (sleeping) medication as early as Wednesday morning, so Abe should be alert by Thurs. if all goes well, and all shall go well. 

The Doctor is very positive about Abe's recovery and it has been a great blessing knowing that he is in the hands of a Godly Doc whom I got to know when I was in Guatemala with Kevin Bueckert. Abe's shoulder did get some injury as well but they haven't done anything with it so far.

 Uncle Clarence and Gladys arrived safely in Guatemala, Monday evening.
God's name be Praise for he is good and his mercies endure forever!


  1. I remember Abe visiting my classroom the other day and giving me some words of wisdom, about finding our Identity, My Prayers goes out to him at this time and wishing for a speeding recovery. Praying for his family as well, Hertha,Rosanne,Dania, Jenny and Francis as well as the rest of his family. May You feel God's presence near. Love, Francene Tejeda

  2. I had coffee with Abe often at western dairies in the morning. It feels empty without him we enjoyed his company. Praying for a quick recovery.

    Henry Dueck


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